Past Performances

Love's Labour's Lost
June through August 2023
By William Shakespeare
Performances Sponsored by the Al Larson Prairie Center for the Arts, Cantigny Park, Elgin Cultural Arts Commission, Geneva Cultural Arts Commission, and Schaumburg Park District
Venues: Al Larson Prairie Center for the Arts, Cantigny Park, Island Park, Festival Park, and Wing Park
L-R Top Row: Kat Kazumura (Moth), Steve Delaney (Don Armado), Tom Ochocinksi (Costard), Nikolai Sorokin (Boyet), Carl Zeitler (Constable Dull & Marcade), Norm Read (Holofernes), and Aaron Delaney (Nathaniel, Lord, & Forester)
L-R Mid Row: Nathan Chesterfield (Longaville), Evin McQuistion (King Ferdinand of Navarre), Justin Green (Berowne), and Wyatt DeLair (Dumaine)
L-R Bottom Row: Tessa Dougherty (Maria), Kristina Drendel (Princess), Cynthia Esparza (Rosaline), Carly Nadeau (Katherine), and Fiona Lazzari (Jaquenetta)
Swings (See in Digital Program): Brock Hayden (Berowne, etc.), Jacquelyn McBride (Moth & Jaquenetta), Joanna Mikosz (Maria & Katherine), Erin O'Brien (Princess & Rosaline), and Cameron Rathjen (Constable Dull & Holofernes)
Katrina Syrris (Producer & Director), Cameron Rathjen (Stage Manager), Libby Einterz (Costumer), Colin Lenehan (Sound Engineer), Brock Hayden (Text Coach), Dorothea Delaney (Props & Tech), James Syrris (Tech Crew)

A Cantigny Night's Dream
July 2023
By William Shakespeare
Performance Sponsored by Cantigny Park
Venue: Cantigny Park
Nathan Chesterfield (Oberon), Wyatt DeLair (Puck -Pictured), Tessa Dougherty (Fairy), Kristina Drendel (Titania), and Fiona Lazzari (Fairy)
Katrina Syrris (Producer & Director), Cameron Rathjen (Crew), Costumes by Katrina Syrris & Ensemble

Spooky Stories at Side Street Studios
October 2022
Original Story by Anonymous Elgin Resident, Adapted for Performance by Katrina Syrris
Performance Sponsored by Side Street Studio Arts
Venue: Side Street Studio Arts, Elgin, IL
L-R: Nathan Chesterfield (Narrator), Steve Delaney (Father and Ghost), Dorothea Delaney (Daughter), Cameron Rathjen (Contractor), Katrina Syrris (Mother & Babysitter)
Katrina Syrris (Playwright & Director)

Pop Up Shakespeare at Inspired Elgin
September 2022
By William Shakespeare
Performance Sponsored by the Elgin Cultural Arts Commission
Venue: The Hemmens Cultural Center
L-R: Kristina Drendel, Nathan Chesterfield, Cameron Rathjen, George Dougherty, Katrina Syrris, Wyatt DeLair, Emma Anderson, Tessa Dougherty
Katrina Syrris (Producer, Director, & Costumer)

The Tempest
July-August 2022
By William Shakespeare
Performances Sponsored by the Geneva Cultural Arts Commission, the Elgin Cultural Arts Commission, and Cantigny Park.
Venues: Island Park (Geneva), Wing Park (Elgin), Cantigny Park (Wheaton)
L-R: Kristina Drendel (Juno), Eunice Ayodele (Ceres, Music Director & Composer), Aaron Delaney (Master of the Ship & Francisco), Therese Harrold (Gonzalo), Evin McQuistion (Antonio), Justin Green (Trinculo), Emma Anderson (Miranda), Beck Damron (Ariel), Steve Delaney (Prospero), Wyatt DeLair (Ferdinand), Jacob Lopez (Caliban), Brock Hayden (Stephano), Nathan Chesterfield (Sebastian), George Dougherty (Alonso), Connor Fox Ditelberg (Boatswain & Adrian), Dorothea Delaney (Iris)
Katrina Syrris (Producer and Director)
Jason Jakubaitis (Sound Engineer)
Cameron Rathjen (Props)
James Syrris (Set)

A Midsummer Night's Dream
July-August 2021
By William Shakespeare
Performances Sponsored by the Geneva Cultural Arts Commission, the Elgin Cultural Arts Commission, and Cantigny Park.
Preview event at the Geneva Public Library.
Venues: Island Park (Geneva), Wing Park (Elgin), Cantigny Park (Wheaton)
Top Row L-R: Veronica Tripp (Hermia), Gavin Struempler (Lysander), Nathan Chesterfield (Oberon/Theseus/Fairy Voice), Steve Delaney (Bottom), Eunice Ayodele (Titania/Hippolyta), Jayde Al-Angary (Helena), Justin Green (Demetrius), Faiz Siddique (Egeus/Quince)
Bottom Row L-R: John Drea (Puck), Juan Sedonio (Flute), James Syrris (Snout), Devon Ortiz (Snug)
Katrina Syrris (Producer and Director)
Jason Jakubaitis (Sound Engineer)
James Syrris (Set)

Ghastly Creatures (Mini Series)
October 2020-May 2021
By Katrina Syrris
Episode One: Performed for the Family Services Association of Greater Elgin Halloween Fundraiser
Episodes Two-Four: Sponsored the Elgin Cultural Arts Commission
(Hosted on YouTube)
Episode One Ensemble: Beth Goncher, Alex Manuel, Tom Ochocinski, Dakota Reed, Veronica Tripp, Chris Mau, Brian LeFevre, Cam Tucker, Katrina Syrris
Episode Two & Three Ensemble: Beth Goncher, Tom Ochocinski, Dakota Reed, Veronica Tripp, Kelsey Skomer, Chris Mau, Brian LeFevre, Eunice Ayodele, Cam Tucker, Katrina Syrris
Episode Four: Beth Goncher, Tom Ochocinski, Dakota Reed, Veronica Tripp, Kelsey Skomer, Brian LeFevre, Eunice Ayodele, Cam Tucker, Katrina Syrris
Katrina Syrris (Producer, Director & Post-Production)

An Ideal Husband
February 2020
By Oscar Wilde
Performances at the Elgin Art Showcase
Greg Waldyn (Robert Chiltern), Valerie DeGroot (Lady Chiltern), Jamie Ewing (Lord Goring), Katie McClatchey (Lady Chevely), Olivia Kaye Losoya (Countess of Basildon, U/S Lady Chiltern), Saraline Singer (Mrs. Marchmont, Assistant Stage Manager), Nate Soesbe (Phipps, Mason, James, Harold), Ryan Yagoda (Vicomte de Nanjac), Tom Viskocil (The Earl of Caversham), Rachel Metcalfe (Mabel Chiltern), Justin Green (Mr. Montford), Rachel Stevens (Director, U/S Countess of Basildon)
Rachel Stevens (Director, U/S Countess of Basildon), Saraline Singer (Stage Manager), Katrina Syrris (Producer), Jack Cannon (Lighting Designer), James Syrris (Crew)

Much Ado About Nothing
July & August 2020
By William Shakespeare
Performances Sponsored by the Geneva Cultural Arts Commission and the Elgin Cultural Arts Commission
July-August: City of Geneva Site
August-September: City of Elgin Site, and local Public Access
(Hosted on YouTube)
Tom Ochocinski (Leonato), Guy Moore (Antonio), Jayde Al-Angary (Beatrice), Alex Jorn (Hero), Anthony Maggio (Messenger/Watchman), Chris Mau (Don Pedro), Joe Guritz (Don John), John Drea (Benedick), Eunice Ayodele (Balthasar, Original Composer & Singer), Dakota Reed (Borachio), Alex Manuel (Conrade), Kelsey Skomer (Margaret), Veronica Martinez (Ursula), Cam Tucker (Dogberry), Devon Ortiz (Verges), Katrina Syrris (Watchman), Andrew Ross (Friar, Sexton)
Katrina Syrris (Producer, Director & Post-Production)

Lit Ladies Series
June 2019 through February 2020
An Original Comedy Series Created by Katrina Syrris
Performed at the Blue Box Cafe
CAST & Co-Writers
Katrina Syrris (Dorothy Parker, Virginia Woolf, Emily Brontë, Coco Chanel (Virtual), Eleanor Roosevelt (Virtual)), Eunice Ayodele (Dido Elizabeth Belle), Rachel Metcalfe (Mary Shelley, Anne Brontë), Katie McClatchey (Charlotte Brontë), Katrina Plonczynski (Agatha Christie), Justin Green (Oscar Wilde), Rachel Stevens (Jane Austen)
Katrina Syrris (Co-Producer, Creator), Chris Mau (Co-Producer, Lighting and Sound)

Ghosts of Christmas Past (Or, Dickens, Capra and Seuss Walk into a Bar)
December 2019
An Original Comedy by Katrina Syrris ©2019
Photo courtesy of Victoria Lunacek Photography
Performance at the Elgin Art Showcase
Rachel Metcalfe (Nikki), Chris Mau (Dickens), Andrew Ross (Capra), Brian LeFevre (Seuss)
Katrina Syrris (Playwright, Producer & Director), Rachel Stevens (Associate Producer, Stage Manager), Jack Cannon (Lighting Designer), James Syrris (Crew)

August 2019
An Original Adaptation of the Poetic Works of Edgar Allan Poe by Katrina Syrris
Performed at the Elgin Art Showcase
Ben Halder (William), Rachel Stevens (Lenore), Tom Ochocinski (Priest), Katrina Syrris (President), Greg Waldyn (Wilson), Ian Samsami (Thomas), Johnny Hohman (Jacob), Katrina Plonczynski (Lucy), Rachel Metcalfe (Helen)
Katrina Syrris (Playwright, Producer & Director), Ashlynne Ludwig (Costumer), Rachel Stevens (Associate Producer), Jack Cannon (Lighting Designer), Mitch Holland (Lighting Operator), Cory Knechtges (Crew), Michael Herbold (Crew), James Syrris (Crew)

The Yellow Wallpaper
April & June 2019
An Adaptation by Greg Oliver Bodine
Photo courtesy of the Going Dutch Festival by Doug Hanson
Performed at the Elgin Art Showcase and Side Street Studio Arts' Going Dutch Festival
Katrina Syrris as Jane
Katrina Syrris (Producer & Director), Ashlynne Ludwig (Costumer), Rachel Stevens (Associate Producer), Rachel Metcalfe (Stage Manager), Cory Knechtges (Crew)

Goodly Creatures
An Original Adaptation by Katrina Syrris
Performed at the Elgin Art Showcase & Stage 773, Chicago
Johnny Hohman, Ian Samsami, Cameron Tucker, Amaria Von Dran, Aaron Hoge, Katrina Plonczynski, Joe Guritz, Rachel Stevens
Katrina Syrris (Producer & Director), Bryce Jonke (Lighting Designer), Jason Jakubaitis (Lighting Operator)
2019 Elgin Literary Festival Revival
Hosted at the Hemmens Cultural Center, Organized by Side Street Studio Arts
January 2019
All Original, with the addition of Mikkel Knutson (Stand-In for Joe)
Katrina Syrris (Producer & Director), Mitch Holland (Sound Operator), Hemmens Crew (Lighting Operators)